Monday 15 February 2010

The Rooftop City

By Alex Scott-Whitby

Childhood memories of looking up at a city that towered over me and engulfed my senses lead me in some way to the decision to embark on my architectural training (even if I have run away from it a few times!). Having always been fascinated as to how and why a city evolves, changes, and continuously updates itself as if a living organism.

I am investigating the city from a new vantage point. A point that some people have the privilege to view and possibly take for granted on a daily basis, yet others never see or hardly even know exists. This space is the rooftops of the City of London. A realm made famous by Mary Poppins and her chimney sweep friends, countless films, operas and musicals.

So where does this take me? Hopefully on a journey of discovery where I will explore unknown lands and topographies, meet the people who have the privilege to dwell and inhabit this territory, and document what exactly goes on in these realms. Hopefully along the way I will constantly ask myself what it means to be a city dweller; how is it that the majority of us never look up. I would like to analyse our fascination with the rooftops and its alluring quality that means when accessible, people flock like birds to even the most baron of ledges.

This project is about re-evaluating my experience of the city by snatching at new vistas, looking down instead of up and taking the time to contemplate how the city’s roofscape has evolved and changed.

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