Sunday 17 January 2010

In search of a Maltese Identity

by Cristina Gerada

Image of the Maltese Archipelago as it appears on a world map -
the star that marks the capital city almost covers the whole island.

Malta is a tiny island, unknown to most of the world, yet once fought over because of its strategic position at the centre of the Mediterranean. This resulted in its being taken by numerous empires: Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Normans, Sicilians, Knights of St.John, French and British, each leaving its own mark on the islands and their people.
The Maltese identity is truly post-colonial, confused by other people's projections of what Malta is or should be.

This colonial past has left Malta with a rich and varied architectural heritage, yet it seems like something is missing in today's architecture; the uniqueness that exists in our landscape, food, stories, language, habits and superstitions does not exist in our architecture.
The aim of the project is to investigate notions of Maltese identity, to give them value and in doing so to initiate a discussion and development of a Maltese Architectural Language.

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